Other deadly bloggers do weekly wraps. So I figure I should do a weekly wrap to capture some of their deadliness. So here’s my first weekly wrap!
- The Critical Classroom: How my able-ism stuffed me up: A reflection on my practice
- The Critical Classroom: Research: Seeing, Knowing & Doing
- The Critical Classroom: Learning from Yellow Rage
- Heaps of writing for the Learning Blak blog & site (closed access for students only)
- Guest lecture for 1213QCA Indigenous Art, Protocols & Practices (Qld College of Art, Griffith University) lecture on Research
- Guest lecture for KKP002 Vision 20:20 (Master of Creative Industry, Qld University of Technology) lecture on
- Sessional lecturing in QDAB203: Indigenous Contemporary Issues Australian Catholic University where I’m team teaching with Lisa. Have spent this week developing a site using Google Sites & a Blog using Blogger (closed access only to students)
Fave random finds on the interwebz:
- Icons of the web
- Does Australia Have a Government Yet?
- People can’t stand unselfish colleagues
- Time to get the party started for political nerds
- Election BlackOut blog by Peter J Black
- Lifelike Pedagogy
- Politics & Moral Courage by Malcolm Turnball
Can’t go past this week without mentioning the #ausvotes stream on Twitter. I can’t imagine another election without the twitter backchannel.