To Annie & Michael’s teachers:
Just a quick note to let you know the kids may be a little late for school tomorrow. We’ve just got home from a two hour QUT Creative Industries public lecture by renowned illustrator, artist and author Shaun Tan.
He spoke for two solid hours discussing his works, inspirations, and philosophies of practice. He explained his exploration of themes of journey and migration. Finally he presented his new short film, the Lost Thing.
I’m not sure what the kids learned or exactly how much they listened over the whole two hours. But I’m fairly certain their imaginations were fired up a little bit and in a different direction. They love the film by the way. Michael is keen to buy it when it is released and we all want to get all of Shaun’s books. Michael was keen to ask Shaun a couple of questions, though a little shyness and time constraints prevented it.
Anyway. They may be tired. That is all.
Here’s the trailer:
Super big hat tip to Sandra Phillips who introduced the lecture to me. It was fantastic. Thank you heaps.
If all learning starts with curiosity, then young Annie and Michael have got much advantage. Inspired by a clever, thoughtful and pedagogically-sound Mother. Brilliant. Shaun Tan rocks. I hope to catch him the next time round.