I also had the privilege of working with Jackie Huggins, Melissa Lucas and Anne Dunn on the National Indigenous Knowledge Centre Project at the State Library of Queensland in the second half of the year. This was the scoping project to make recommendations to the Commonwealth government about what an NIKC might look like, what it would do, where it would sit and how it would operate. Working on this project provided me with insight into national projects and how they are formed in their infancy.
Of course, family wise, everyone is healthy and happy. We’ve had some ups and downs of course, but overall, we’re well.
I have some really exciting personal challenges this year that I’m planning. One of them is about creating learning materials that seeks to reduce racist, homophic, sexist and ablist language in schools. I believe that as adults we need to provide guidance and be role models. We need to be explicit about what is acceptable and what is not acceptable behaviour. I have no idea yet how I will approach this, but I’m determined to do something pro-active and positive. I’ll be blogging my success.
I should have been much more prepared and written a more comprehensive round-up of my year. But alas, its 1.11am on Christmas morning and I must be off to bed as I’m sure the two youngest kids will be up in a few hours desperate for the day to start. Little people + Christmas = priceless.
Thanks for reading. Have a peaceful and joyous Christmas.
Image: I created the image this evening – it’s been in my head for a few days. I really wish I was a designer or at least had some designers skills.
… and thanks for blogging Leesa. I enjoy having such easy access to these windows on your deadly world and thoughts. All the best to you and yours too for this flip of the calendar. srp