I started a weekly wrap up once before. I did it the first week okay. The second week met with nothing “productive” to report. The wrap up became yearly!! I know I’m crap at regular writing, but bugger it. I’m going to do a weekly wrap 3, even if weekly wrap 4 come sometime in 2013. At least I’m writing. That’s right isn’t it.
It’s all a bit like this sometimes …
What I’m doing:
- This week I’m working on the website for the South East Queensland Indigenous Chamber of Commerce. It’s not finished yet. But then websites are never really finished. That’s the point of them.
- I’m supposed to working on Lagaw Gub, doing a bunch of writing behind-the-scenes. I wish I had more time during the week or perhaps it’s more room in my head. But I’m coming Tiina!! I’m coming.
- Writing the October newsletter for The Critical Classroom. I’m giving myself until Friday (oh bugger, that’s tomorrow).
- Have been working with my youngest son on his blog. I won’t post a link to it as he’s still working it out and I think he’s too young to have adult eyes. It’s about Minecraft. He got 16 hits the other day and was over the moon. Bless.
What I want to do:
- I’m thinking of creating a blogging challenge for Deadly Bloggers. The NAIDOC blog challenge worked pretty well this year. (#naidocblogs) A lot of deadly bloggers managed to whip-up a blog post about NAIDOC. So what if we had a weekly (52 posts) or monthly (12 posts) challenge to inspire more posting and commenting. I’m playing with hashtags #DB52 OR #DB12Challenge or maybe 12pbt (12 posts blog transformation stolen from Michelle Bridges #12wbt). Some of the topics might be: Family, Challenge, My day, NAIDOC, 26th January, etc. Keep the topics broad so that people can create their own stories. I have also heard of blogging-gurus who post interesting images that bloggers embed in their own posts and use as inspiration for a post (Reference needed here). I may allocate a bunch of space to this project in December.
- My blog labels here on leesawatego are crazy. I think they need organising. But is it too late? There’s too many now. Oh well… I think about that one again one day. Maybe everyone should have a crazy blog where all the default posts go, with labels that just get crazier and crazier as the years go by.
I haven’t been tweeting much this week. My phone has been playing up. I may have dropped it one too many times, or it may be because I haven’t upgraded to Io6 yet.
That’s all. Back to work.
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