I’m one of those people who rarely watches a TV series beyond the 3rd series. After a while the stories and characters seem to meld into one another; or the start shark jumping makes it absurd. I get a bit the same way with various social platforms. I’m a bit over Facebook right now. Note: it has nothing to do with my Facebook friends who are posting. It’s all me. I’m looking to try new things.
So I’ve decided to give G+ another crack. Yeah, I hear you… it’s a bit of a friend wasteland, but there are some interesting links and posts that go up from people who I have little connection to.
Anyway, I’ve re-discovered Hangouts as well. I think Hangouts are a great way to host your own “Webinars”, video-blog, and just have meetings. I think it’s amazing that you can stream live using Hangouts (Hangouts On Air) via YouTube. You can also embed the stream straight to your blog so that your visitors can see it via a blog post rather than directly on Hangouts.
I can also use documents in my GDrive, as well as show YouTube videos while in the Hangout.
I’m keen to organise Hangouts for The Critical Classroom around set topics. I was thinking about having a hangout to discuss the issues raised in the fourth episode of Redfern Now which is on ABC TV right now.
If you’re keen to Hangout, circle me. Let’s have a play and see what this thing can do.
Cheers, Leesa