So you may have noticed that the name and the URL of this blog has changed. I originally created it as a bit of a professional landing page, but some of the posts extended to personal posts so I began thinking of a Blog Title that wasn’t my actual name. And it came to me at about 4am yesterday morning.
This is what Not Quite Cooked means to me –
- forever beta
- always learning
- more questions than answers
- frequently have NFI (no fucking idea)
- always searching for understanding and meaning
- unpacking everything, all the time
I have also experimented with registering the blog name via Blogger Custom Domain rather than Netregistry who I have 90% of my domains with. I have to say, it was so incredibly easy – a seamless process that took about 30 minutes to go live. Highly recommend it, especially if you’re happy with Blogger and aren’t interested in self-hosted WordPress.
On my to-do list for 2013 for this blog –
- blog more
- do a bit of design & CSS
- blog more
- sort out the labels – too many, too random
- blog more
- think about the sidebars more sensibly
- blog more
- subscription options – Facebook Page, E-Mail Updates, Instagram etc??
- possibly think more seriously about ads … but really I just want to
- blog more
Any other suggestions?
Cheers, Leesa
Love the new name!
Thanks Sandra…. Given the old girl an update today.