A super quick trip to Sydney this past week/end to present a workshop at the Independent Education Union (IEU)’s Indigenous Education Conference. Here is my trip in images –
Interesting image at Brisbane airport at the QANTAS terminal – Murris selling the Mining story –
On arrival in Sydney, it was a quick one hour of workshop preparation at the Catholic Education Office at Leichardt. Then ….
After checking into the Mecure we went for a quick walk down to Essen Restaurant on Broadway (opposite Notre Dame). Had killer Pork Knuckles. Wish I’d had beer with my meal, but stuck with a CabSav instead. I will definitely be heading back to this place again. Here is a pic of Lisa B, with one of the AEW sistahs, holding the conference programme that Lisa did the cover artwork for …
And here is a close-up of the cover art …
I wasn’t presenting alone of course. I was with Lisa B and the awesome Emma Peel, also from the Catholic Education Office. Here is Emma outside Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Waterloo / Redfern. Awesome little school I’ve spoken at a few times…
Well after a night of conferencing, was well and truly wrecked and good only for red wine, cheese and Notting Hill ….
“I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her” Classic!
Another classic – the ceramic “Aborigine”for sale at Sydney airport. Things that make you go hmmm….
And the east coast of New South Wales …. heading home…
That was my end-of-the-week. Lots of follow up work to do. There will be more posts, but mostly on The Critical Classroom over the coming months.
Interesting weekend certainly got the brain ticking over for new ideas and strategies to explore. Left and right side going, creative and informative.
Really looking forward to coming to Sydney one day for more than just a weekend though. Have extra days to just see the place. It's so beautiful.