You may have noticed I’ve done a bit of blog maintenance this past weekend. I think the end result is way to busy and not clear, but I think it will evolve as I sit with it more over the next few days.
For the record I,
- Created a new header image. I’ve been thinking about the main blog header for ages but have had no time to create anything. I used Fireworks (CS6) to create it. The image is 1200px x 200px. I created a first version that was just over 400px wide, but it took up too much unnecessary space, so ended up reducing to 200px in height.
- Added a quote to the top of the blog, just above where the posts sit. I found the quote by Alice Walker on a Gradient Lair post. I’d like to keep looking for fresh quotes, and change it regularly. I hope the quote reflects what the blog (and me) is about.
- Added a categories/labels section using a method created by Code It Pretty. Her tutorial is to create it for social links, but I really through it would also work for labels. It probably suits a list of around 5 items and no more. The design uses incremental steps in changing opacity, so any more in the list and it would be invisible. It also got me adding CSS to the template for the first time
- I reduced the size of the profile image (on the top right hand-side) from stupid to sensible
- Finally started a Some of My Favourite Blogs list. I used to do this, but stopped because the list was too long. I had a list once that that turned into it’s own blog altogether (ie. Deadly Bloggers).
- Updated the About Me page, including a more recent profile image.
I think that’s enough maintenance for now. Now to just keep on posting. Have decided to revisit my 52 Week Blogging Challenge that I created for Deadly Bloggers for some inspiration.