A busy weekend – new friends and family

A quick Sunday round up of the weekend.


Saturday Mum and I went to an afternoon tea with some people from our local neighbourhood, Everton Park. Many of the people there I’d never met before. It all happened because last month, a local person, JM, started a petition to save some old trees in danger of being removed due to Brisbane City Council regulations on a new development. But because of JM’s activation, it appears a smallish sense of community is slowly growing. I’m not hopeful that the trees will be saved, but I would like to think that this sense of community will survive.
I was pleasantly surprised to find people in my local area who have similar ideas about the world. The politics of the current Australia is so uninspiring* right now. In my opinion, John Howard swung the pendulum so far to the right that it was impossible to the ALP to bring it back to any kind of equilibrium. And now with the Coalition back in, the country is moving even further to the right. On Saturday we had a great discussion about how/whether, from an absolute ground level, it possible to work for the community and to make a difference. Is it more effective to work within a political party (ie. become a member), or is better to stay outside the formal party system? I don’t 100% know the answer to that question, but it was great to find other people who ask similar questions.
Today, we spent the day with our extended family at the annual “Christmas Tree” where we all get together, bringing a present for our own children, and our picnic. For the past few years my dad has been Santa, and it was the same this year. Incredibly, though maybe not so, the number of children has increased dramatically over the years, and of course I knew hardly any of them. But it went very well with all the kids getting a present. Aunty Celia also bought along a few gifts of lollypops and bags for the little ones beginning school.
I also had a great conversation with my cousin Karina. The conversation, about family history stuff, probably raised more questions than answers. But it was excellent to connect and I’m sure we’ll have a much longer yarn as the years move forward.
I have no images for this post yet. I will have to steal one of the pics one of my cousins post on Facebook.
The year is drawing to a close. Where has it gone?
*uninspiring is an under-statement. I’m being polite.

One thought on “A busy weekend – new friends and family”

  1. I live down the road from you at Gordon Park. I am glad to read about you good people lobbying to preserve trees in the local environment. Thank you for finding the time, because you are as busy as everyone else.

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