In the lead up I have so much work to do. There’s client work, with a three projects on the downhill/uphill stretch to completion. I’m really mindful that I don’t neglect the clients and have built in systems so everyone’s prepared.
I have technical stuff I need to sort out. I want to do as much blogging – and if I can’t live-blog while I’m there, I want to capture as much content as I can so I can upload when I get home. I started making a few videos – just gammin ones – to practice capturing footage, editing it, and then uploading it. This morning we shot some footage as we went through the tunnel. Tonight I’ll edit it and upload it.
On top of that I have to actually write the paper I’m supposed to be presenting. When I write it I need to take into consideration that I could possibly be presenting it with no tech (ie. slides/internet) available. There are a bunch of options available to me, I just need to get cracking now.
So, yep, I’m off to WIPC:E. Thanks to everyone who bought a shirt. You can still buy them. It all goes to a good cause – ie. me going to a meaningful learning event. I’m not just sitting back crackin’ open the champers.
I’ll keep you posted when I get closer to departure.
[Image: photographed in Sydney Thursday 10th of April 2014, somewhere near Leichhardt]