It’s 8.50pm on Sunday in Hawai’i, and here I am blogging for the first time in how many days?!?!? I can’t believe it. I had intended to write each day but I’m afraid, each night this week I had either ran out of internet connection, energy or reliable cords, so it just didn’t happen.
Yesterday I wrote on Facebook:
That’s #wipce over for another three years. The next one is in Toronto, Canada. It will be super expensive to get there, so the fundraising will have to start as soon as we get home. I thoroughly recommend the WIPC:E experience if you can do it (think about taking your kids too). Take a leap, and submit a proposal, or just come along to listen and immerse yourself. Mahalo to the organisers, workers, volunteers, performers, and local presenters, for their generosity and hospitality. A big mahalo to the warden, guards, volunteers and women of the Women’s Community Correction Centre, for allowing us to spend a day with them. Such a fantastic week, that will take a long time to beat. #eHoMai
I know WIPC:E isn’t perfect, sometimes the workshop quality was a bit questionable. There were aspects of the organisation that could have been more effective, but on the whole, as an experience, WIPC:E is 100% worth the effort that it takes to be there. I highly recommend it.
I've been flat chat here. We've marked Sorry Day at the chalkface and rolled straight on to Reconciliation Week. The workers are making a Sea of Hands over a building wall after writing comments, or just their name on the cut-outs. We are all loving it. We are educating about Mabo Day, too on June 3. Tonight's the State of Origin first one at Suncorp, I remember last year feeling out of sorts that the chalkface didn't acknowledge Reconciliation Week, but had all sorts of football frippery up. Mal Meniga's been immortalised in bronze and unveiled today outside Suncorp….just thought I'd keep you in the loop. Oh, yes and my tshirt from your designs arrived. It's good quality. I can recommend people buy one!