One of the participants last week at the Queensland Indigenous Youth Leadership Program, asked me why I began blogging.
But really, the answer to the question is, I began blogging for business. I wanted to share ideas about Indigenous education that I felt were being missed. I mean, it’s easy to talk to a group of pre-service teachers, but once they’ve graduated? It’s much hard to capture them. The odd after-school professional development session doesn’t really help people who know so little.
I had built websites from templates before Eddie’s talk. The first I probably built in the very early 2000s. It looked terrible. I continue (mostly) to build my own. I care less for the look of a site, than I do for the site’s organisation of information and the quality and usefulness of its content.
Why do I blog now? I still blog for business, but on this space in particular, I blog for myself. I rarely tweet out what I’ve written, I don’t count or measure the statistics. And the odd person or two eventually finds their way here.
Here. I blog for me.
Update: I was cleaning up the categories on Deadly Bloggers, and found this post I wrote in 2012. It relates.