Articulate to execute

Starting working on Monday and I’ve spent the first week chasing up urgent client work, but also on some of our foundation documents.

On Tuesday we had a three hour strategy session with an outside advisor. And what a meeting it was. Tellingly there were MANY questions I couldn’t answer or could only partly answer. How can you grow the business when you’re not sure what the business even is?
The second half of the week has been spent working on our big-picture action list – updating our business plan, update the vision statement, developing accurate  and updated position descriptions, creating a workforce plan, and creating a 2 – 5 year marketing plan.
I have to be able to articulate what our business is, in order to execute strategies to get is where we want to be in the future.
Image: A screen shot of a business plan with the Iscariot Media Logo and the words Business Plan


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