What a year! It’s impossible to do a complete wrap-up in one post. However sitting here on my couch on the 31st of December, quickly posting before I have to start cleaning up for tonight’s little celebration, I can post some of the highlights. Sistah G and I headed to an 80s concert at Eatsons Hill Tavern. It was awesome and wonderful to be transported back in time. This is us doing our best Abba impression.
Totally 80s tragics we are.
I feel I have developed professionally – pushing myself further than I have in the past. I’m still the Chair of the SEQICC and am working as hard as I can to get it ready for a new board. I was appointed a Queensland Digital Champion this year. It’s been exciting to continue to work with people to help address digital divide issues – something that I want to continue well into the future.
I spent a bit of time travelling for work again. Time in Sydney for Viscopy as well as to Canberra. Iscariot Media had a presence at Supply Nation this year – a huge investment for us, but definitely worth it in the end.

The biggest news that has dominated my mind for the past few months is signing a commercial lease and moving Iscariot Media out of home. It’s been an exciting time – expensive but also challenging.

We ran our first social media workshop in late December which will be a big part of our work in 2017 and beyond.
There are 1000 other things achieved this year but it’s impossible to round them up in one post.
Here’s to 2017!