Today we marched as we have for the past two decades. It was easily one of the largest marches in decades – filling almost the full length of one side of the Victoria Bridge.
As I was charging up my camera, I found Briggs’ January 26 clip.
Inspired, I thought what other songs would be fitting for an Invasion Day Playlist – Last Kinnection, Warumpi Band, No Fixed Man; then anĀ Invasion Day Reading – Kevin Gilbert, Luke Pearson, Anita Heiss, Bruce Pascoe, Alexis Wright, Amy McQuire; art – Yhonnie Scarce, Gordon Bennett, With Secrecy and Dispatch; and more …
I scheduled about fifty posts for publication during the day from about 5.30am through to about 8pm. Most responses to the posts were positive, and engaged. I did managed to attract a few trolls. One day I may decide to deconstruct their responses – ranging from “If you don’t like it, gives us about the welfare we gave you”, to “you lost the war get over it” – writing a post for each one of those typical responses. That way I can just send the link to trolls and be done with it.
I spoke to Dr Chelsea Bond on 98.9FM’s Let’s Talk radio program about social media and Invasion Day.