New Small Business

For the next nine Friday mornings, I’ll be at Coomera on the Gold Coast as I deliver training to a group of Indigenous business people. Working with Emma Kerslake from Yolla Consulting and Rob Barton from Indigenous Supply Chain Connections, I will be delivering two sessions – Marketing followed by Social Media tips. 

The majority of the participants are in the construction industry, and it’s exciting to see the diversity of skills and experience – plumbing, pest control, dry/wet machinery, as well as design.

I haven’t finished developing the materials but at this stage I imagine I will spend the first session on general marketing principles and positioning, while the second session I will focus on the digital & social media options.

I’m cognizant that we need to advise business owners not to put all their marketing eggs in the social media basket. However, for most small businesses making sure all your tools are consistent, up-to-date and ‘on story’, social media can be really useful.

The course has been put together by Emma in conjunction with Gold Coast TAFE and Grocon.

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