So I’m now officially at the half-way point of my #Countdownto50. Holy! That came around much more quickly than I realised. We all say that though don’t we?
Where has the time gone?
I don’t even feel old.
I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
But here we (almost are). Last May I set myself a target of 24 interesting walks, books and movies in the remaining 24 months between then (May 2017) and the big 50 (May 2019). I’m on track for the walks and completely NOT on track for the books and movies. I have purchased interesting books – but I have not managed to read them. Will have to get cracking on that one. And interesting movies? Does Infinity Wars count? I don’t think so. Am fairly certain I’m going to not meet that target come May 2019.
But the walks are coming along really well. Not long after May 2017, I found myself establishing the FatAdventurers!, a Facebook group that does 1 interesting adventure each month. I haven’t posted about them as much as I should have – most of the activity is in the closed Facebook group. But am loving the little community of women from all over the place.
Am going to definitely try to post more here (I say that so often don’t I? *le sigh*)
So here we go, 12 months to go …