Last week I wrote about logging off Facebook more as a way to manage time. Over Christmas and New Year because there was a little downtime I was checking into Facebook and the rest more than usual. But then once I got back to work, I was STILL logging in. I could feel myself getting out of control.
So my first strategy (last week) was to actually LOG OUT of Facebook on my desktop. Something I never do. I can’t remember the last time I actually LOGGED OUT.
It was great. I was off it for 7 days. And then on Sunday I jumped back on, wrote a few posts and I felt like I was in control again.
But this week I issued myself with a new challenge – NOT TAKE MY PHONE TO BED.
I can stay up to all hours of the morning going down the rabbit hole that is the internet. It does my health, business and life no good.
So I gave the kids a job – no matter what I say, take my phone off me at 10pm.
So for the past two nights, the kids have been fantastic and have taken my phone off me and I’ve not got it back until morning.
It’s only two days so I can’t say for sure it’s going to improve my life, well-being and productivity, but I’m hopeful.
Now I’m off to pick up a couple of alarm clocks.
What’s your social media/phone strategy?