It is getting slightly easier when you know yourself – living that is. I’m seeing the patterns of behaviour and thoughts. And I’m better at seeing the cycles.
It’s easier of course when you’re on your way out, as opposed to when you’re on your way in/down.
I feel good today. I feel empowered today. I feel like I have control back.
Today I made myself the meal I always make when I’m on my way out – bizarrely a massive plate of steamed veges. It’s always a sign. I’ve also put my Fitbit back on to get charged for the first time this month. Another sign.
I know some of its physiological. But much of my “stuff” is behaviour or habit induced. I have too many projects on at that same time that I’m responsible for. I say yes to too many things. And then it piles up and becomes unmanageable.
But this week some of that pressure was relieved and it’s the most amazing feeling.
There is still lots to do and lots to handover. But it’s beginning to feel a lot like I think life is meant to feel like.
So while I worked all weekend, I genuinely believe that weekends off may become a regular thing. Imagine that!!
I have a week of travel so I’m not sure I’ll get back to my training regime. And I’ve packed a spare screen so I can keep working while I’m in my hotel room.
But I’m closer today to a sustainable working life than I have been in weeks and probably years.
I’m so grateful.