Today I worked from home – focused on study and preparation. It comes after 19 days of work (in Brisbane, Caloundra, Gold Coast, Barcaldine, and Toowoomba). Just so nice to stay put and not need to drive anywhere.
This follows a big couple of weeks (19 days straight working) where in one week I gave three talks. I’m pretty amazed I managed to fit in.
I was invited to speak at the inaugural Central Queensland First Nations Economic Development and Tourism Forum, about establishing a Central Queensland Indigenous Chamber of Commerce. I’m excited for the region – there is so much happening – and think a community-controlled Chamber will do wonders for fostering economic development and giving voice to the needs of Aboriginal business owners.
I landed in Brisbane on Wednesday night and headed up to Black Coffee Toowoomba. Glenn Guivarra invited me to speak about Black Coffee for the growing Indigenous business community there. It’s wonderful to see how something small – like a coffee networking event – is growing interest from all sectors. Toowoomba Mayor Paul Antonio, Deputy Mayor Carol Taylor and Councillor Geoff McDonald also attended to hear about the opportunities that Glenn and Black Coffee are igniting.
Then finally, I headed back to Brisbane yesterday (it was a very quick drive from Toowoomba) to speak at Brisbane City Council’s Black History Month Business Forum. Here I spoke about digital marketing and how to keep your head on – keep your digital activities as part of a broader marketing strategy, watch your vanity metrics, and trust in your ability to learn it – practice makes better!
All in all, a big week of travelling and speaking. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share ideas and meet new people.