I love my work. Even the bits I don’t really like – like bookkeeping – I actually find fascinating. I love that I’m learning how the numbers work, how they matter and how they can help me do the business better. Even though I’m not very good at it.
Continue reading Two days on Kalkadoon CountryCategory: Life
Why did it take so long to get to growth?
I want to get this out of my head. Sometimes in live events your brain decides to in a tangent you’ve not prepared for. Does anyone else experience that?
So I was on a panel yesterday and I’m not happy with my performance, multiple reasons. But the first one is one I consistently f-up, and need to get my head around it.
It’s about my business journey. I said something like – I started my first business in 1994, but wasn’t really ‘full-time’ in it until 2018 after my youngest finished school. Since 2018 it’s grown ten-fold. So really, the ‘growth’ phase is only 4 or 5 years old.
Continue reading Why did it take so long to get to growth?Find the small spaces
This is not a post about scheduling every second of the day. It’s not about filling your day from the moment you wake up til when you sleep.
This is a post about how sometimes, the perfect chunk of time never comes, but don’t let that stop you.
In my last time management post I talked about how in an ideal world I would have full days to get things done, but that never happens in reality. In that post I talked about how breaking big jobs into bite-sized chunks, putting each stage into an Action Plan can help you get to your goals.
Continue reading Find the small spacesDisaster-viewing (again) #QldFloods 2022
As I type this we are in the midst (middle?) of a major flood here in South East Queensland. The rain has been consistent and heavy.
I think it started Friday (today is Sunday), and it’s not let up since. We spent hours on Friday night prepping – digging trenches in the yard, and setting up buckets under the kitchen ceiling. We’ve used every towel, doona, blanket, and sheet to try to keep the leaks under contol. But thank goodness (at this stage) we still have power, internet, running water, and dry beds to sleep in.
Many people in the region have not been so lucky.
Continue reading Disaster-viewing (again) #QldFloods 2022Saturday diary entry
Another restless night with my brain going ‘twenty to the dozen’. I was awake at 6.30 because I’d forgotten to turn off my parkrun alarm. As much as I tried I just couldn’t get back to sleep. So I got up and was at my desk by 7am. Managed to smash out four solid hours of work. I shouted myself a nanna-nap and slept until 3 which was awesome. But when I went back to my desk I could barely see my screen. My eyes were just so sore.
Continue reading Saturday diary entryGrateful to public programs
A few years ago I heard a teacher complain there weren’t enough Indigenous resources out there. I wrote a post on my education blog about how there are incredible amounts of resources out there and available for free, you just have to know where to look and take the time out to invest in building your knowledge.
Continue reading Grateful to public programsnostalgia & melancholy
i listen to the radio a lot. when I’m in the car. at home. i tend to listen to stations like 4BH 882, 4KQ. sometimes when i hear songs, I’m transported back to other times and other places. i can’t describe the feeling i get – it’s weird – it’s in my head and in my gut. it’s a nostalgia i think. it’s often such an early memory i can’t even remember an event or people associated with it. but i know it’s from the past, a time that no longer exists. i occasionally get it when i look hard at old photos as well.
Continue reading nostalgia & melancholyWhen consulting isn’t really consulting
Gather 18 people into a room, give them breakfast and one hour to ‘share’ their opinions, experiences, and ideas. Tell them you have your listening ears on.
Continue reading When consulting isn’t really consultingGrateful for my online community
If you’re a member of one of the groups I run, then you will know what the image above is all about.
Continue reading Grateful for my online communityGrateful to our team
Mid-last year our team grew. Amanda who I’d known for a few years but hadn’t really worked closely with joined the Iscariot Media team.
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