Should I budget my time?

Lulu, my Spending Planner Coach is very pleased with my progress. Three weeks on and we are gradually getting a better picture of my personal budget. With the SPI system there are graphs and charts (who doesn’t love a pie chart!?!), and I can see clearly where and when we will come unstuck. It’s somewhere around March 13, 2020. In our modeling, my ins and outs are outta sync, and in about 9 months it’ll all come crashing down. Continue reading Should I budget my time?

Sending a side-eye to Brisbane City Council.

In terms of ‘wokeness’, also known in conventional circles as respecting cultural diversity, flying a flag is pretty much level 1 on the Richter Scale. Some institutions fly their flags, say the acknowledgments and wear the pins and are still hopeless. But hey, at least they’re giving it a crack.

Continue reading Sending a side-eye to Brisbane City Council.

Shaping a new normal … up early on a Saturday morning

When my mum was the age I am now, she started going to the gym. She really enjoyed it. Despite already having a physical job – she was a school cleaner – she loved doing weights and cardio. I was in my early twenties and a few times I’d go along with her, but I wasn’t into it – probably too busy with my new boyfriend – and looking back didn’t really support her journey. Continue reading Shaping a new normal … up early on a Saturday morning

An afternoon of Grace & Style

I grew up with a very practical Mum – loving, caring, hardworking, realistic, no frills. I don’t really remember her as someone who would wear a lot of make-up or jewellery. She was a school cleaner for most of my childhood so she spent most of the time in ‘serviceable’ (her words) clothes. Continue reading An afternoon of Grace & Style