Two years ago I took a leap and invested in a Certificate IV in Design at TAFE. It was fantastic. I often felt waaaayyy out of my comfort zone, but I learned so much about Creative Suite. I’ve used that knowledge EVERY day since.
Creative Suite is/was Adobe’s suite of design products (now it’s referred to as Creative Cloud). It includes Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver and a bunch of other programs that I don’t use. But I can’t imagine the last two years without the skills I learned from the course.
I’ll never be a great designer. I’m pedestrian at best. But I’m able to create the majority of social/digital items that I need to run my business.
Today I created a new professional image that will get me through the next few months. And thanks to Photoshop it doesn’t look anything like the “in-my-daughter’s-bedroom-pj-wearing-dull” original photo.
The Cert IV was two and a half days per week for two semesters and there were times I thought I was crazy trying to run the business while doing the course during the day. But it was all worth it in the end.
Hang on….if that's your PJs, they are pretty flash!!?
I wish I could do more…must LEARN. Very much superseded at the chalkface.