Today I ..
- Watched Episode 71 of the #askgaryvee show
Updated two posts, published three pages, approved the final draft for uploading one new product to the Critical Classroom
- Photoshopped images for marketing
- Had scrambled eggs on toast for lunch
- Created an image for our new Freedom Rides product that was uploaded tonight (while watching the latest episode of The Goodwife on Channel Ten catch up)
- Ate some cooking dark chocolate pieces for afternoon tea
- Took a photo of the tree outside my house (I can’t believe I planted it when it was only 20cm high).
- (Finally) wrote a complete Digital Marketing Report for Dark+Disturbing for January 2015. It has Analytics in it!! OMG!
- Finished an IM flyer for me to take to our Indigenous Business Networking – Friday Coffee Morning tomorrow at Ipswich. (Now to make the website reflect what we actually do these days)
- Cooked two fried eggs and toast for dinner
- RSVPd to a local Chamber event later in the month
Somewhere in there I kissed the kids, washed their uniforms by hand (which is what you do when your machine is broken), and had a few long conversations with family members.
Tonight all I have to do is
- Format into MS Word the SEQICC’s Indigenous Business Survey, then print them out to take to the networking event tomorrow
- Upload new product, test and then share via networks before I head to bed.
#smallbusinesslife #mylife